Everyone says they want to give a unique Valentine's Day gift! So I try to include the unique side of all the classic gifts because that is what most of you want! So for those of you who want to give the most uniquely romantic gifts this Valentine's Day here are a few ideas...

You can find unique and Amazing gift ideas for her and Amazing Gifts for Him. This is such a cool website, they offer exactly what the title says, great American days! There are many things to choose from and you can even book vacation packages! You could sky dive, drive a nascar race car, go to rock star camp and even take a hot air balloon ride! They have everything from air, water, driving, action and sports to inspiring, culinary and body & soul packages! This is such an amazing gift I can't even stress how awesome it would be to receive a shark diving package and I know my boyfriend would go ga-ga over racing corvettes! Treat Your Sweetheart to a Fabulous Valentine's Day Gift!

Does your Valentine have a funny bone? Why not get them a funny Valentine's Day present?

What about an inflatable heart, a usb mix tape and fill it with love songs, or even an I (heart) You toast stamper! There are sooo many cool and totally unusual gifts at Baron Bob.com - presents possibly the world's wackiest gift gallery surf by & decide for yourself!
Valentines Day GIft
World's Largest Inflatable Heart

There are so many more unbelievably cool gift ideas at Baron Bob.com! I found a potted plant that's called a blooming heart, it starts out as a red heart and then a plant blooms out of the middle. Even better on the plant blooms a little seed that reads 'I Love You' on it!!

Blooming Heart Plant
Love Rats

Now for all the GADGET geeks out there (like me), here are a few Valentine themed electronics for your 4-eyed Valentine :) Why not grab something new and awesome that you're Valentine will love and have it engraved with a love poem or an I (heart) You!I found all these ideas at Gadget Universe Get free shipping over $199.95. Do you like to get massages? Here are a couple ways to get massages at home anytime you want! For your feet try the Medi-Points Foot Massager

Medi-Points Foot Massager

Check out my post about gadget geeks, there are a bunch more ideas for you!


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